Eine Schnitzeljagd in Bildern: Wie entsteht aus einer Recherche eine Geschichte?

Wie arbeiten Wissenschaftler, wie recherchieren Journalisten? Uwe H. Martin gibt bei einem Workshop Einblicke in die Medien- und Forschungswelt

5 Minuten
Workers build up big mountains of cotton at a ginning in Pandarkawda, known as the cotton capital of Maharashtra. Many of the workers live just outside the ginning in little huts. Although the ginning itself becomes increasingly mechanized the preparing work is still very labor intensive, because the raw cotton arrives unsorted and is just dumped outside of the factory.
In a Yavatmal ginning workers press cotton into bales of 160 kg.
Wie Baumwolle verarbeitet wird.
Parwatha Bai Ugewar mourns her husband's suicide. Even for comparatively big farmers like the Ugewars the economic pressure from cotton growing becomes unbearable when something unforeseen like an illness happens. To pay for medical bills, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and labor Parwathas' husband Narain Ugewar took a loan of 134,000 Rupies (4000$US) from the bank and even more from moneylenders. With her husband gone the moneylenders threatening to take over the land.
Ein Foto, das im Rahmen der Recherchen von Uwe H. Martin zu den sozialen und ökologischen Folgen der Landwirtschaft entstanden ist.
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